How do I pay my dues?
MLS subscribers – To pay your 2024 HAR, TR and NAR dues, logon to MLS subscribers need to logon using their username and password.
Non-MLS subscribers – To pay your dues, if you do not have a username and password, click on the line that says: “Non-MLS users click here”. The screens are set up to guide you through the payment process.
I forgot my User ID and Password. Do I need a new one?
No. Simply call HAR’s professional and courteous membership department 713-629-1900 ext. 4 and we will e-mail your username and password to the email address on file. Due to security reasons, HAR will NOT distribute this information over the phone.
How do our dues compare to other associations?
For 2024, HAR local dues have remained unchanged at $132, which is still either quite competitive or much lower than most other local associations. Just to see how we size up with other local associations, HAR recently surveyed some of the larger local Realtor associations in the country including:
- Houston ($132)
- Atlanta ($179)
- Chicago ($335)
- Long Island ($275)
- Miami ($167)
- Northern Virginia ($295)
Additionally, the average agent throughout the country pays $38 per month in MLS fees compared to $35 a month in Houston.
How much are TR and NAR dues, and must I pay them?
For 2024, TR dues are $152 and NAR dues are $201. Through your membership with HAR, you are automatically a member of TR and NAR. These memberships are not optional.
Why do I have to pay TREPAC?
TREPAC is a voluntary contribution and is not required. However, TREPAC assures that issues and concerns related to the real estate industry remain a priority for our public policy makers and governments who can shape how you do business.
When is the deadline to pay my dues?
HAR’s “drop dead” payment date is December 31, 2023. After December 31st, all non-paid members will be inactivated in our system. Payments received after December 31, 2023 will require a $25 reinstatement fee for HAR.
What services do I receive for my dues?
For a complete list of the more than 80 products and services, please visit: