Client Experience Rating
Exclusively for Platinum Subscribers
Rating system for real estate agents
What Sellers Want
According to statistics from The 2008 HAR Survey of Home Sellers & Buyers, home sellers state that they would find a REALTOR® rating system beneficial. Below are a few exhibits showing our findings:
Benefits from Ratings
Would Sellers Benefit from Accessing REALTOR® Rating by Previous Customers Over 80% of sellers indicated they would consider it beneficial or very beneficial to access ratings on their REALTOR® by previous customers.
Benefits from Comments
Would Sellers Benefit from Reading Previous Customer Comments About REALTOR® An almost identical number of sellers who thought REALTOR® ratings would be beneficial also said it would have been beneficial or very beneficial to read actual comments about the REALTOR® by previous customers.
Finding a REALTOR®
How Sellers Found REALTOR® Who Helped Sell Their Home
Referrals were the dominant factor for sellers as they selected their REALTOR®. The only other significant response was that nearly one-quarter of the sellers knew the REALTOR® personally. Agents’ reputation accounts for 76% of their business.