Additional information of this recriproical listing access agreement follows:
- HAR MLS subscribers now have direct access to Latin America’s largest and most recognized MLS.
- Accessing Omni MLS takes only one click from the top Matrix navigation menu labeled “INTRAMATRIX”. If you want to go back to HAR Matrix, either close the Omni MLS tab, or click on the preceding HAR Matrix tab in your browser.
- Omni MLS uses their own version of Matrix which is similar to HAR’s version of Matrix but will not contain any of your custom searches or contacts. You can manually add contacts and auto searches directly into Omni.
- To easily know the difference between whether you are in HAR Matrix or Omni MLS, look at the color scheme: HAR is blue while Omni MLS is green.
- Access to Omni MLS is included with your MLS Standard Subscription at no additional charge.
This agreement is part of HAR’s ongoing efforts to enhance our members’ abilities to serve their clients and expand their businesses and referral opportunities.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with valuable resources.