HAR Virtual Showing
Show any listing virtually to your clients
This is a new creative way to conduct these showings for the listings in a Virtual manner. HAR now offers Virtual Showing system to the Platinum subscribers to show any listings virtually. The process is very easy and simple; setup an appointment for any listing and live stream to your clients by using the HAR App.
How it Works
Manage different types of Virtual Showings: One-to-one and one-to-many. You can have either a one-to-one virtual showing or a one-to-many virtual showing with a large number of clients present.
One-to-one Virtual Showing
If your client is out of town or due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation cannot come, the one-to-one Virtual Showing works in the following way:
- The client will request you to show a particular listing.
- You then set up an appointment with the listing firm.
- Then share the link of the Virtual Showing with the clients.
- On day of the showing, you will start the Virtual Showing from the listing.
One-to-many Virtual Showing
The most creative part of the Virtual Showing platform is the one-to-many feature. It turns the traditional showing into a digital marketing activity.
- You proactively identify a potential listing in your farm area.
- You will create a Virtual Showing for any listing and set up an appointment with the listing firm.
- You then invite the potential clients for the listing or promote it on social media.
- On day of showing, you will then start the Virtual Showing from the listing.
What are the Benefits?
- Conducting a Virtual Showing is super simple when using the HAR Mobile App.
- By conducting a Virtual Showing, you can attract more potential clients.
- In this way, even if the clients either areout of town or cannot attend due to any other reason (such as the on going COVID-19 situation); the Virtual Showing is a great way to have a look at the house.
- Engage your existing clients by sharing real estate activities.
- Gauge the interest of attendees by using a feedback email, which is sent after the Virtual Showing is over and the clients can then provide their feedback.
- Due to the Virtual Showing, listing agents may see significant increase in listing traffic and offers for their listing.