Track Home Value
HAR is excited to introduce their latest tool that allows members and consumers to track the value of a property over time. The monthly Valuation Report is generated by the industry’s leading valuation providers. Discover market trends and real estate insights with each report that is generated instantly and then sent monthly with client opt-in.
The recurring report allows real estate agents and their clients to stay informed about the current market value of a property, which is crucial for making informed real estate decisions. Additionally, tracking home value trends over time can help homeowners understand their property value relative to the local market.
Valuable Market Information

We know that using a REALTOR® is the best way to determine the market price of a home. Providing up-to-date real estate information to your clients helps to build long-term relationships with your clients. The Track Home Value is a new tool to assist you!
When you send a new Property Valuation Report, your clients will be instructed to ‘Click here to Subscribe‘ in order to receive a monthly report with real-time information that is branded to Platinum subscribers.
Benefits of the Property Valuation Report
Homeowners appreciate knowing the current value of their property. These reports offer valuable insights into market trends, neighborhood dynamics, and potential equity growth, which can help consumers make informed decisions about selling, refinancing, or making improvements.
Client Engagement and Retention
Regular communication keeps agents top-of-mind for their clients. This monthly contact helps build and maintain relationships, increasing the likelihood that clients will rely on their trusted real estate agent for advice, information, and future transactions or refer them to others.
Showcase Market Expertise
By providing up-to-date and relevant information, agents showcase their knowledge of the local real estate market. This builds trust and establishes the agent as a reliable and informed resource for their clients.
Strengthens Brand Awareness
Once a client accepts the subscription invitation, The Property Valuation Report is auto-generated and sent with a Platinum agent’s branding. This ensures that the real estate agent’s contact information is always easy to find!