Appointments in MLS

Online Appointments
A showing agents to request showing appointments for your listings. A link has been added to the Office Information Section of the Agent Full Report that allows agents to request a showing appointment for that listing. Showing agents will still need to receive confirmation of the appointment from Centralized Showing Service, ShowingTime, Appointment Manager, or the listing agent prior to showing the property.

Showing requests for listings signed up with ShowingTime will automatically be directed to the ShowingTime online appointment scheduling system for processing and confirmation. Please make sure in enter the appointment phone number as 800-746-9464 in Matrix.
For Appointment Manager Users
If an appointment is requested on a listing that belongs to a broker that is using HAR’s Appointment Manager, a form will be made available to fill out (see image 2). This form will be sent to an e-mail address designated by the broker.
Once the appointment request has been received via email (see image 3), the appointment request will need to be entered into the Appointment Manager system (similar to appointments made via phone call). Note: Appointment requests from Matrix will not automatically be input into the Appointment Manager system. Each request will need to be input manually into Appointment Manager.
Below is an illustration depicting where you will find the online appointment requests within Appointment Manager. Please note: appointment requests are not automatically entered into the appointment system.
For Others
Showing requests for listings of agents that manage their own appointments and do not use Centralized Showing Service, eShowings, or Appointment Manager will be directed to the listing agent’s email on file with HAR.