General Information
HAR’s MLS rules govern HAR listings. Unlock MLS rules govern Unlock MLS listings. Complaints regarding a listing should be made to the source MLS.
Listings from Unlock MLS will have an MLS number beginning with “AU” (Ex: AU123456).
Each MLS will retain their own respective private listings and those will not be shared. Incomplete and Coming Soon listings will not be displayed.
HAR and Unlock MLS will not be re-distributing listings received from the data share. They will not be included in any data feeds (IDX, VOW, syndication portals, etc.).
Each MLS displays all historical off-market/sold data from the source MLS.
No document attachments (disclosures, etc.) will be transmitted.
HAR and Unlock MLS have a reciprocal lockbox agreement. This means that agents with an HAR Supra eKey are now automatically able to open up Unlock MLS Supra lockboxes. Likewise, agents with an Unlock MLS Supra eKey will be able to open up HAR Supra lockboxes without further effort.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are all HAR listings visible to Unlock MLS subscribers?
No, not all listings from each MLS will appear. Incomplete and Coming Soon listings will not appear. Active, Pending and Sold listings will be displayed in the HAR MLS.
Do I get access to the Unlock MLS?
No. This data share does not grant access to the Unlock MLS system. A data share brings listings data from other MLSs, but it does not grant access to those native MLS systems. It does not create an account with the other MLSs, and you will not be able to access their tools/services/support/etc.
Is all of the information from an Unlock MLS listing in HAR Matrix?
All of the information that could be matched between the two systems is displayed. There are a few fields unique to each system that are not included.
How do I search for Unlock MLS listings?
Unlock MLS listings can be found by searching by city, ZIP code, subdivision or via a map search.
How do I search for only HAR-listed properties?
Use the search field ‘MLS’ and select HAR. This will limit the results to HAR listings only.
Can I create a CMA based on Unlock MLS listings?
Yes, you can create a CMA with the native Matrix CMA product. Instant CMA and Cloud CMA integration will be coming soon.
My HAR listing is under contract and an Unlock MLS agent represents the buyer. What do I do?
When an HAR listing is sold by an Unlock MLS subscriber, their information can be entered when changing the status. Unlock MLS agents will appear with an MLSID beginning with ABOR-.
Will my Supra key work in Austin?
Yes, your Supra key automatically works on Austin lockboxes.
What area does Unlock MLS cover?
Unlock MLS’s jurisdiction covers 18 counties in Central Texas from Bastrop to Williamson Counties. You may view a coverage map HERE.